How to Market Yourself for Free | Day 14 of 30-day Blogging Challenge

I am a freebie person. So when it comes to marketing my business, I like it free too.

One way is blog regularly, but a more powerful way is to VLOG… Especially LIVE VLOG.

From today, I want to vlog live at least once a day. I might reveal behind the scenes secrets.

YouTube will be my chosen platform because I get more response from there.

I will also go live on

  • Facebook,
  • Instagram and
  • Snapchat.

It’s all about documenting what I do and getting my brand exposed online.

TGIM! Too many holidays within two weeks. If you are a work-at-home entrepreneur, you will know what I mean.

Someone just shared this Facebook video. OK noted. Make more of similar content. Inform and demonstrate. In the next one, I will need a stronger CTA to share.

Did a live video on installing Davinci Resolve 12.5.5 on Windows 10.

NOTE:  Only installs on 64-bit computers.

When opening the app, do not open “Davinci Resolve Panels”, just ” Davinci Resolve”.

Did another live video…  Installing Davinci Resolve 12.5.5 Free Version on MAC OS X – from installation file

NOTE: Only installs on 64-bit computers.

And then one more… How to Copy Paste a Title without Altering the Previous One in Adobe Premiere Pro CC

Feeling productive!


So some participants cannot install Davinci Resolve because their computers are 32-bit and Resolve have only 64-bit versions.

Back to the drawing board. Look for video editing software that is free and 32-bit.

I know we can tell people to upgrade their computers, but let’s put that aside first.

So I searched “video editing software for 32-bit computers” and ” open source video editing software”

The list can be narrowed down to

  • Blender
  • VLC Movie Creator
  • some more… still searching.


This post is updated live until the end of day…

To be continued…

What happened Yesterday?

Feel free to comment and subscribe for more.

Adrian Lee
Journal of a Work at Home Dad in Singapore

via Daily Prompt: Exposed


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