A Lifestyle Second to None | Day 10 of 30-day Blogging Challenge

Woke up this morning and remembered I may have a new challenge coming up.

The “Live like every day is a vacation” challenge.

On a vacation, we go to new places, feel new experiences, eat new foods… and most importantly, vlog everything.

So let’s try it today! 😎

Today’s itenary:

  • Shoot an interview for client
  • Vlog FZ2500 mic comparison outdoors
  • Go Live for hitfilm tutorial back at hotel (home)

In between, we will have little quick stuff.

9.30am Original destination changed. I am now heading for Clementi instead of NUS. Going to shoot an interview there.

11.30am End of interview shoot. Customer requested for a group selfie with me and the interviewees. Just like a vacation right… wefie?

The shoot went well. The latest gear were used.

  • Panasonic LUMIX FZ2500,
  • Sennheiser G3 wireless microphone and
  • a LEDGO battery power LED light with stand.

3 things could be better.

  • Second led light with stand
  • Shallower depth of field
  • Noise cancellation microphone.

The MRT track was a few steps away and the trains passed by every 3 minutes. Couple that with the pouring rain in the later half of the shoot.

Walked around Clementi town. A place I have never been. Saw this sculpture for the first time. Like a vacation.

Ate something new at Kentucky for lunch. Rendang Rice with Pepsi. Only S$5. Like a vacation.

3.30pm Back home. Shot the mic comparison on the FZ2500. Used a camera I thought of selling. The Samsung NX500. Discovering something new like I am on vacation.

6.30pm Jog and walk instead of run. Too tired but need the exercise.

Postponed Star Wars Day celebration to tomorrow. Need a rest.


How to live like every day is a vacation?

Make every day a new experience.

Do something you have never done before.

How? Find a better way or another way to do whatever you are doing now. Take a different route or different mode of transport to your destination. Eat or shop at a different place.

A vacation-like lifestyle… second to none.


To be continued… http://adrianvideoimage.com/10091-2/

Yesterday… http://adrianvideoimage.com/10048-2

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Adrian Lee
Journal of a Work at Home Dad in Singapore | Vlogging like every day is a vacation (trying another tagline)


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