What does it take to be successful? How do you become a successful business person? What are the 12 key points that make a successful entrepreneur?
On a recent business trip, I got a chance to stay 2 nights at a hillside villa with an infinity swimming pool.
I also got a chance to chat with the friendly owner, Albert, and I asked him how he got to where he is now.

Specifically, I was finding out what makes a successful entrepreneur.
- Start at an Early Age – He left his hometown in Malaysia at the age of 14, to live in China where he started his business and became successful at 26.
- Trial and Error – He didn’t start one business but many. His philosophy is to try a business and if it fails, stop it and start another one.
- Own Multiple Businesses – He now has factories in China, and multiple businesses in Malaysia, including massage parlors, and the Villa.
- Buy and Rent – He bought the villa from a private residential owner and is converting it to become a holiday resort for the public.
- Target VIP Customers – VIP, according to my interpretation, is a Vast Income Person, the rich. That’s who he is targeting to let out the Villa.
- Charge Premium Price – He is charging a premium price for the holiday villa. By doing that, the cost of the villa will be covered back in just a few months.
- Build Self-running Businesses – He does not run the operations of his businesses. He hires people to do that. Or he just invests in someone else’s business.
- Meditate and Relax – Albert is 52. He lives in his hillside villa above the clouds to relax and absorb the positive energy from the nature that surrounds him.
- Disciplined Daily Schedule – He wakes up at 6 am to go running with his dog in the hills. Then he will go down the hill to the city to tend to businesses. He will return to the villa in the afternoon. Sleeps early at about 9 pm after making a few phone calls.
- No Formal Education – He said he didn’t complete his school and all he knows is fighting when he was a kid. His command of English is not great but his Chinese is good.
- Can Communicate with Anyone – At a restaurant, the waiter seems to enjoy talking with him. At the villa, he manages to connect with me and the other stayers.
- Strong ties with Family – His niece and sister happen to be there staying for about a week. I can see the strong bond among them.
- Most of his siblings are also well-to-do and running their businesses.
- He has lost most of his hair at 52 and what remains is white.
- I do not see his wife and kids living with him though I know the kids are working overseas.
- Once in a while, he organizes charity events.
- He has forward vision and works fast.
The information above may not be accurate, because it was just a short chat and not an interview.
My takeaway here or something that I can apply immediately is the daily disciplined schedule to look after your health, build the machines of wealth, and relax.
~ Adrian Lee