Dentist Check Up Cost in Singapore – Polyclinic

First the great news… You have to book your dental appointment ONE YEAR in advance!

It’s been 17 years since I last visited a dentist during my Navy days.

Thanks to Stella, I was finally forced to check the condition of my teeth.

An appointment was arranged at the Queenstown Polyclinic.

Note: Dental service is available only at these Singhealth Polyclinics – Bedok, Geylang, Queenstown and Tampines.

Useful Resource: Understand your teeth here.

Good and Bad News

Good news is, according to the young dentist, my teeth are healthy.

Bad news is, according to myself, teeth cleaning is like torture. 😵

1. I choked and coughed violently when water ran down my throat.

2. I held back the vomit-inducing feeling when the instruments went deep.

3. The dentist kept telling me to open wider when actually I was tensing my tongue to prevent more water from flowing down my throat.

After the whole saga, I realized tears streaked down from the side of my eyes. 😭

So anyway, the cleaning (or they call it scaling and polishing) was to remove tiny hard particles built up over time.

Dental Scaling: The process of deep cleaning the teeth to remove plaque and minerals built up over time.

The Final Price

The total cost of dental examination, scaling and polishing (meaning checkup and cleaning) at the Polyclinic was S$39.

Check out the affordable dental fees and charges.

It was all worthwhile.

How’s your dental experience?

FYI: cleaning did not include whitening.

Photo edited with iPhone 4: Sparkles added with Pixlromatic… Blemishes removed with Photo Wonder… 😬



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3 thoughts on “Dentist Check Up Cost in Singapore – Polyclinic

  1. After using deep cleaning I thought there is no need to do deep cleaning. Expensive and my teeth keep bleeding for few hours later. The second day after deep cleaning still pain on my teeth. Seem not better than general cleaning and still very expensive. Should consider again about this service.

  2. Be careful with dental Pacific price. I was advised price at the reception for cleaning my teeth is from 18$ to 39$. BUT the next day as appointment I came there for cleaning totally is 482.55$ including 1 small cup of flour 6$. examination 25$. X RAY 70$. Deep cleaning 8 pcs of teeth AND general cleaning for other teeth is 280$. And scaling 70$ (not sure the doctor did scaling for me). Feeling I was cheated by this hospital. Be careful with this place.

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