[114]🤼 Blur Moving Faces in a Video Using CapCut

In the world of video editing, blurring moving faces can be a challenging task. But with the right tools and steps, it can be done quite easily. Today, I’m going to show you how to blur two moving faces in a video using CapCut.

Get Access to the full tutorial herehttps://adrianlee.gumroad.com/l/blurfaces

Watch on YouTube… https://youtube.com/shorts/iSHJ6ZcDqUI

Getting Started

Blur two moving faces in Capcut

Firstly, open CapCut and start a new project. Select the video you want to edit and tap on ‘Add’. This will add your video to the timeline.

Duplicating the Video

Next, select the video in the timeline and duplicate it. This will create a copy of your video, which we will use later.

Applying Overlay

Now, apply the ‘Overlay’ effect to the duplicated video and drag it under the original clip. This will create an overlay effect on your video.

Adding Blur Effect

Go to ‘Effects’ and then ‘Video Effects’. In the ‘Lens’ category, choose ‘Blur’. This will blur the entire video. Adjust the duration of the blur effect as needed.

Selecting Object

Choose ‘Object’, then select ‘Overlay’. This will apply the blur effect to the overlay video.

Applying Mask

Now, go back to the main menu and select the overlay clip. Apply ‘Mask’ and ‘Circle mask’. Reposition and resize the mask over the face you want to blur.

Adding Keyframes

Go to the point in the video where the face is about to move and apply a keyframe. Then, go to the point where the face just finished moving and reposition the mask over the face. This will ensure that the face remains blurred as it moves.

Repeating the Process

For the second moving face, duplicate the original clip and repeat the process.

Wrapping Up

And there you have it! You’ve successfully blurred two moving faces in a video using CapCut. If you want to know exactly how it’s done, leave a comment saying ‘yes’ and I’ll send you the full tutorial. Otherwise, sit back and watch how I blur two moving faces in a video using CapCut.

Remember, practice makes perfect. So, keep experimenting with different videos and effects. Happy editing!

Get Access to the full tutorial herehttps://adrianlee.gumroad.com/l/blurfaces

~ Adrian Lee | Video Content Creator

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#capcut #videoediting #tutorial

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