8Jan16 | CCTV TVL | SgMotorshow2016

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Here’s my research notes for today…

What is TVL in CCTV camera?

TVL is the measure of the analog camera’s horizontal resolution.

In a Digital Camera. The resolution is the amount of detail that the camera can capture, and it is measured in the number of dots forming the image (aka pixels / megapixels / MP). The more pixels a camera has, the more detail it can capture and the larger pictures can be without becoming blurry.

In an Analog Camera. The resolution is the amount of detail that the camera can capture, and it is measured in the number of horizontal lines forming the image (aka TVL – TV Lines). The more TVL the analog camera has, the more detail it can capture and the larger pictures can be without becoming blurry.

Read the rest here… http://expertsgarage.com/tvl/


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