How to Survive 30 Days of…| #30 of 30-day Blogging Challenge

Do these tasks every day for 30 days to burn-in the habit.

Today calls for a celebration.

It’s a mixed feeling of sadness and happiness.

Happy because I have survived the daily challenge.

What worked? Why?

  • Join WordPress daily prompt challenge to write a blog.
  • Write the body first. Add value. Teach something you just learned.
  • Write in point form. Keep it short.
  • Then come up with a title… a title with words people are searching for.
  • Then come up with a catchy opening sentence.

The writing style I learned from copywriter Michael Cheney.

The blogging style is inspired by Lee Murray.

Thanks to The Daily Post of WordPress for letting me join the blogging community.

I am also sad because I will be leaving blogging and going to vlogging.

From tomorrow, I will attempt to pen my thoughts on video.

In fact, it has begun…

Are you blogging and vlogging at the same time? Please comment.

Adrian Lee


Join me as I update this post live…

Previously, it’s about growing your YouTube channel and DJI Spark.


This blogging challenge is inspired by the Shiney Object Lemonade – a system that could make you $100 per day with your blog.


Check out the exact YouTube video marketing system that helps many YouTubers earn over $10,000 a month every month.

The blog/vlog continues…


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