What happened?
- It’s 2017!
So what?
- It’s going to be a challenging year.
What’s my challenge?
Top 3…
- Pay a new home loan starting in the 1st quarter of 2017.
- Pay for daughter’s university fee in the 3rd quarter.
- Celebrate sis’s 10th anniversary in England in November.
What do they have in common?
- Money… Need lots of money.
- May need to earn S$1000 a day.
What is the next action step?
- Sell some of my stuff at home.
- Go back to providing videography services.
- Accelerate my online passive income.
Accelerate my online passive income?
- My 2017 Goal #1 – Make $100 daily online.
- Why not S$1000 daily? Be realistic, start small and grow along the way.
- Implement SOL strategy… http://adrianvideoimage.com/solsp/
What’s your number one goal for 2017?
Adrian Lee
Work at Home Dad
PS: Here is Day #1 of the Make $100 Daily Challenge