Using iPhone 4 to Submit Ezine Articles

Do you like the idea of writing and submitting ezine articles anywhere without a laptop?

Forty five minutes riding in the subway is plenty of time to write a full ezine article.

I wrote a 400-word article while walking to the train, standing and sitting, even while changing trains. All the way tapping on my iPhone. The train being underground, internet connection was unstable. So I waited till I got out of the train and used another 15 minutes to post my article online.

Forget laptops, notebooks and even iPads! The iPhone is sufficient and handy enough to do most Internet Marketing work anywhere. All you need is 3 free items on an iPhone and follow 5 easy steps.

First, let me tell you that I write short articles personally and submit them to online article directories as a form of internet marketing strategy for generating traffic to my website.

These are the 3 items required for the “on-the-road” process.

1. Notes App on the iPhone (built-in free)

2. Safari Internet Browser (built-in free)

3. An Account with EzineArticles — a popular article directory (also free)

Here are the 5 steps I follow to get things done quickly.

1. Write Article with Notes App

iPhone Notes App
iPhone Notes App

The Notes App on the iPhone is a simple text entry software. The simplicity is great for writing articles because distractions are minimized. It has the autosave feature that ensures my flowing thoughts are recorded even if I exit the App accidentally. By the way, Notes App also syncs with Gmail, which means I can switch to my laptop anytime and retrieve the article to continue writing, though I prefer to finish it on the iPhone.

2. Login to the Article Directory with Safari Browser

Mobile Ezine Articles Site
Mobile Ezine Articles Site

When is visited on an iPhone Safari browser, it automatically shows the mobile version of the site. The mobile version is great for readers searching for articles but is practically useless for authors like me. Fortunately there is a button at the bottom of the mobile site to switch it back to the full desktop version, which works just like using a full fledged computer. Next just login and go to the article submission page.

3. Copy and Paste Completed Article from Notes to Safari

The submission page is a set of online forms to fill in the article and other information. Though we can write the article straight into the online auto-saving forms, I prefer to write it first on the Notes App because of limited screen size on the safari. So just copy and paste the written article from Notes to Safari. Paste the whole article into the body section.

4. Scroll around to Fill in other Article Information on iPhone 4 on iPhone 4

There is a bit of scrolling to do… left, right, up down, enlarge and pinch… but that can be fast for a seasoned iPhone user. Fill in the title, the extract, the keywords and the author’s resource. The input boxes automatically count the words as you fill in. Unlike the actual website on a desktop computer, the online forms on iPhone Safari are pure HTML instead of Rich Text. So there is a code guide on the top for authors to add bold texts or bullet points and more.

5. Hit “Submit This Article” to Submit Article

Finally preview the article in a new window. Check and correct any grammar and spelling error. If the article looks good, hit the “Submit This Article” button. There will be a message if there are any errors or if there are any non-compliance such as too much white space or wrong capitalization in the title. It even says that the errors will be corrected in the review process, but I prefer to correct them myself then submit again. The article will not be published until reviewed by real humans.

Do you like the idea of writing and submitting ezine articles anywhere on the road, sitting or standing, sometimes even walking?

You can do that with an iPhone and an internet connection. Now there is no excuse for delaying writing when inspiration pops up.

Adrian Lee


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