Am I an employee or a self-employed or a shareholder-director? I don’t know. Really, I know am all of them… And I also know I am not qualified for any COVID-19 SG income relief scheme…
So I am left out to go hungry, declare bankrupt, default on all my loans, cancel all subscriptions…
Subscription? While others use their covid-19 lockdown income relief to subscribe to Netflix, I have to unsubscribe to all services I am paying for.
The lockdown is extended to 1 June 2020.
Is there hope for me?
19 April 2020. The Self-employed Income Relief Scheme (SIRS) eligibility is extended to cover wider qualifications…
Am I eligible?
Wait. There is yet another hope.
21 April 2020 update: Jobs Support Scheme at 75% in May, now covers shareholder-directors…
Section 4(1) of Companies Act…
Why are business owners now qualified? Read the petitions and reasons from business owners here at…
Job Support Scheme for shareholder-director?…–JSS-/
Am I a shareholder-director?. Am I eligible for the JSS income relief?
Find out in the next post.
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the Journal of Adrian Lee…
I am thankful for what the Singapore government is doing.
As a self-employed small business owner, it is in my blood to hunt for alternative income sources.
One of them right now is to conduct online courses… Both paid and free… Please share…
By the way, a financial crisis happened exactly 12 years ago, in the year of the rat, that led me to retrench all my staff because business revenue went all the way down to zero even when there was no lockdown.