Upgrade Bluehost Pro Package Review

Upgrade to Bluehost Pro Package Review – Part One

Should I transfer my business website from Bluehost to Hostgator? Or should I upgrade to Bluehost Pro Package instead? I…

Beauty After Rain

Our sky garden orchid glowing in the morning sun after a night of pouring rain. Title: Beauty After Rain Photographer:…

Myanmar (Burmese) Laksa vs Singapore Laksa

Where to eat Myanmar (Burmese) Laksa in Singapore. Laksania Inle Myanmar How to make your own Myanmar (Burmese) Laksa – Recipe….

Which Accounting Software for Singapore Businesses

Are you one of Singapore’s business owners still using spreadsheet for accounting? I am one of them! We use a…

iPhone iMovie Now Supports Videos Imported from External Cameras

This is great news! Until now the iPhone iMovie can edit only videos shot with it’s own camera or video…

Who Do You Call for Car Breakdown Service

I always call AA, Automobile Association of Singapore, when my car break down in the middle of nowhere… And AA…

Move from Bluehost to Hostgator Almost

The decision to move from Bluehost to Hostgator was made early this year when Bluehost became sluggish with excessive downtimes….

iPhone Tiny Tower Game Status

80 floors and 155 residents. My iPhone Tiny Tower game strategy: 1. Fill every business unit with the maximum of…

S$3000 Done Deals in 30 days with Only One Web Video

This Friday at BNI Rendezvous business networking breakfast, I will be showcasing a recent real story about how one of…

I Remember Steve Jobs

I Will Remember Steve Jobs

The iPhone Changed the Way I Work, Play and Socialize. I am still amazed at how one idea can change…

Ramen Review on Our Anniversary

28 September 2011. Ramen Champion @ iluma. A simple treat to celebrate our 15th anniversary. Heard about the ramen champions…

How to Attract Money into Your Life Using Crystals for Wealth

Today’s social video is about 5 mystical crystals or gemstones that help attract wealth. Natural crystals or gemstones are known…

Video Marketing for the Small Business Owner -Singapore

httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8WqhY6OtYY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8WqhY6OtYY A shameless self promotion video about the talk I will be presenting tomorrow in front of a huge…

Business Networking Event in Singapore – Invitation Video

httpvh://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I79UXmxyElo http://VideoLane.com/RNN – Click on the link to connect with like-minded business owners and professionals… —————————————————————————————- Interviewed fellow BNI Rendezvous…

How to Remove Medialooks Logo Watermark and Camtasia MP4 Error

Something really annoying happened to my Camtasia today. Wasted four hours of productivity just to figure out the solution. What…