Free goodie bags on one side. Free drinks on the other side. Each entitled to one person only. Just pick one from the table. No one is in charge. No one is grabbing more than one goodie bag. Now I’m worried coz 4 of us left our free rooms with the keys still there. Where is this place? The street is covered with white snow. Lovely. Let’s stay for one night with the family. Alarm sounded. I woke up.
What happened yesterday?
- Updated blog post… Zhiyun Smooth Q2 vs Zhiyun Smooth 4 – Which Is Better?… With comparison chart…

- Stopped lotus timelapse. 20 hours… Of no action… Small sprouts don’t grow overnight.

- Started Lotus timelapse day 7… In vertical mode.

- Confirmed a customized video editing class on 6th February and customized smartphone video workshop on 7th February 2020…

- Noted… Quik is available for download here… IPhone app store…… Android Play Store…

- Answered a Gopro question… How To Format Memory Card On Gopro Hero 7 Black … Q: Good morning. I can’t find the menu in GoPro 7 black to reformat my SD card. Can you enlighten? Appreciate… A: Swipe down. Preference. Reset… Q: Oh yes. It’s tuck away in Reset. But is a frightening button. Thinking that it will reset all setting on my cam.
- Created a behind-the-scenes video about smooth Q2 at Mount Faber using Quik…
What’s happening today?
- Create video content… Zhiyun Smooth Q2 Review Part 3.
From the Journal of Adrian Lee –