Adrian’s Journal #191130

“Everything you can imagine is real.” – Pablo Picasso

It’s a Saturday. Put the phone to Do Not Disturb mode. Time to clear the clutter and spend time with the family.

No challenges to report. Not feeling competitive today. Just let my hair down and relax.

Here are yesterday’s top 3 things that I am feeling grateful for.

Grateful #1: Black Friday Buy

Got a Bradford leather key pouch wallet for S$39, down from S$109. Thanks to the Black Friday sale at Robinsons, JEM.

Grateful #2:Four Finger Dinner

Spent dinner time with the family last night AT JEM’s Four Fingers. I don’t know why fried chicken wings taste so good in soy garlic sauce.

Grateful #3: Youtube Video Upload

Tried out another method of creating a video on a spur without wasting time planning and posing. Thanks to a question from AZ…

What happened today? What went well? What did not work? What did I learn? How can I do it better?

From the Journal of Adrian Lee โ€“


Author: AdrianLee
Adrian Lee is a seasoned content creator based in Singapore, known for his expertise in smartphone videography, video editing, and live streaming. With a passion for sharing knowledge, Adrian runs and, where he offers insights into his personal experiences alongside practical tips for aspiring creators. With a growing community across various platforms, Adrian aims to empower others through creative storytelling and innovative content techniques.

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