Grammarly Not Working in WordPress? How to Fix it in 2021?

Grammarly not working in WordPress? Grammarly doesn’t work on WordPress anymore? Here’s how I fixed the problem with Grammarly not working in WordPress.

Ever since WordPress changed to “Block” editing, Grammarly stopped working. It checked only one or two words.

I had to write my article on another text editor, then copy and paste it into WordPress.

That’s ridiculous! …until I found an easy one-step solution.

Grammarly Not Working in WordPress

Any issues after that? Not yet. I’m glad I did it. Block editing slowed me down a lot and now it’s gone.

Try it.

~ Adrian Lee


It is August 2021 and things could be better now. Let me know.

Are you wondering what Grammarly is? It is my favorite tool to check my writing grammar, not just spelling. It is an extension installed in the Google Chrome browser. So it works only on a desktop or laptop. There is a mobile version in the form of a keyboard. I use that too.

This is the first article I wrote after switching back to the Classic Editor… Feiyu Pocket 2 Review and Comparison



Author: AdrianLee
Adrian Lee is a seasoned content creator based in Singapore, known for his expertise in smartphone videography, video editing, and live streaming. With a passion for sharing knowledge, Adrian runs and, where he offers insights into his personal experiences alongside practical tips for aspiring creators. With a growing community across various platforms, Adrian aims to empower others through creative storytelling and innovative content techniques.

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