How to Charge More for Your Services | Star Producer Mastery Day 1

Are you wondering how to charge higher and grow your business faster?

In this post, I list out the actionable points I learnt today from an online course.

Hi, this is Adrian from, where you’ll see my not so private journal.

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The High-Impact Video Goal

Goal: To become a star presenter and producer creating high-impact videos for facebook marketing to get high ticket clients. (12 weeks)

The name of the online course I am going through now is Star Producer Mastery.

Every lesson, I will write down notes, document my actions taken and present the results here in this blog.

Make sure you leave a comment to follow my business growth journey.

5 Elements to Grow Your Business Fast

Here are the 5 crucial elements you need to focus on to grow your business fast.

  1. Your story
  2. Your business model
  3. Your target market
  4. Your marketing
  5. Your system

These points will be elaborated in the upcoming lessons.

10 Elements to Build Your Expert Brand

Here are the 10 key elements to building your expert brand.

  1. The story – the hero’s journey from pit to breakthrough
  2. The statements – Mission, Vision, Dream, Taglines, Etc
  3. The Solutions – High ticket transformational products and services
  4. The 3 reasons – why people should buy from you
  5. The sales and marketing system – for your high ticket offers
  6. Mindset and identity – belief systems and confidence attitude
  7. High impact videos – promo videos, photos, Stills, webinars and funnels Etc
  8. Testimonials and case studies
  9. Media publicity – media interviews, write ups, guest blogging, citations
  10. Expert website

Wow. I have to work on all 10 points for my courses, because I have none of them.

The Sales and Marketing System

  1. Facebook ads
  2. Landing page
  3. Appointment scheduling page
  4. Recorded 30-minute webinar
  5. Thank you page

Looking forward to find out the details on how to build these.

How to Charge Higher / Premium Prices

Here is the secret to commanding premium prices.

Why charge higher?

  1. Psychological advantage
  2. Some people only by the best
  3. Better customers
  4. You can deliver more value
  5. You will own the marketplace
  6. More profits

How to increase prices immediately?

  1. Increase your price immediately by about 10 to 20%. Bundle services.
  2. Create three alternative offers with different pricing. Low / medium / high.
  3. Menu pricing. Don’t publish prices for customisation. Case by case.

I am going to work on this immediately.

With an expert personality branding on video, you can command high-ticket prices.

Target high-end business to First Class clients.

5 reasons why people buy high ticket

  1. They want exclusive access to your community
  2. They want amazing results
  3. Because it’s their identity
  4. They want status
  5. They want a unique experience

This is nothing new. I used to serve people in this category when I was shooting weddings.

What to Do Next

Here is one thing I can do immediately.

  • Create alternative course offers. 1 to 1 consultation and training at premium price.

Please leave a comment or question if you want to see my result.

I am looking forward to the lessons on creating high-impact videos and Facebook marketing from Teachable.

See you in the next one.
How to Create High Ticket Service | Star Producer Mastery Day 2



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