Hostinger Review Part 4: Email Account Setup

Setting up the essential element of any business website, email.

Between the last journal and this one, I got the website up and running.

It is now time to make the email work, so that visitors can contact me.

Logging in to the Hostinger account cPanel, we see a section for Emails.

Hostinger Email Cpanel

Under this section, are choices to set up Email Accounts, Webmail, Email Forwarders, Edit MX Record, Auto Responders, Mail Service Control, and Catch-all Emails. “G Suite” is just an invitation to the alternative paid email service provided by Google.

Email Accounts

This is where we set up email addresses. With my $3.49/m web hosting plan, I get unlimited email accounts.

Hostinger Email Accounts

The email details are clearly shown here. In other web hosting services, I had to search the support section just to get the POP3 and SMTP information.

Webmail address
POP3 Port (secured) 995
IMAP Port (secured) 993
SMTP Ports (secured) 587


Set up a new email account by entering a name and password.

Here’s the email account I have set up.

Hostinger Manage Email Accounts


Click on the blue Email button. You will be taken to the webmail layout run by Roundcube.

Hostinger Roundcube Webmail

Click on Compose to start sending emails.

Hostinger Webmail Compose

We can send emails from here as well as send attachments up to file size of 25MB.

Going to settings under Email Accounts Management, we see a mailbox size limit of 10GB.

Hostinger Email Settings

By default, spam filter and anti-virus management are built in.

Email Forwarders

Instead of using the provided Webmail, I will most likely forward the email to my Gmail account using the Email Forwarder.Hostinger Email Forwarder

Edit MX Record

Hostinger made it easy to edit the MX record if you are using another server for emails.

Hostinger Edit MX Record

Email Auto Responders

Use this to automatically tell people you are on vacation when they send you an email.

Hostinger Email Auto Responders

Mail Service Control

I would leave everything here enabled for Sendmail, POP3/IMAP and SMTP services. WordPress requires the Sendmail service. Hostinger Mail Servie Control

Catch-all Emails

The catch-all service is useful if you are afraid someone may misspell your email. On the downside, you may receive a lot of spam.

Hostinger Catch All Email

Easy Email Setup

This wraps up the tour of Hostinger’s email service. I would say it’s very easy to set up email addresses. I could go further into exploring the extensive features in Webmail as well as how to set up an external email client instead of using webmail, but that’s for another post.

Coming up next… activating SSL for HTTPS security.

~ from the journal of Adrian Lee | Singapore



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