Know Your Private Drone and Quadcopter Laws in USA

Drones are lightweight remote-controlled flying aircrafts with propellors.

They are getting cheaper and hence more popular among hobby users.

There may be 8000 private drones flying in USA by 2019 according to FAA.

Imagine what would happen if there are no highway codes on the roads.

Now Imagine what would happen if there are no “airway” codes in the sky.

The fact that what goes up must come down, it better not just drop down.

So, here’s an infographic of drone laws developing in the United States.

Robots in the Sky: Cracking Down on Drone Law (via Intella Blog)

Robots in the Sky: Cracking Down on Drone Law


Websites that recreation and business drone users in the USA must know:

If theΒ law doesΒ not regulate drones usage, nature will… watch this video.


Author: AdrianLee
Adrian Lee is a seasoned content creator based in Singapore, known for his expertise in smartphone videography, video editing, and live streaming. With a passion for sharing knowledge, Adrian runs and, where he offers insights into his personal experiences alongside practical tips for aspiring creators. With a growing community across various platforms, Adrian aims to empower others through creative storytelling and innovative content techniques.

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