How much is the bus lane fine in Singapore

Driving in Singapore can be stressful. There are many rules to follow. Break them and you must pay the price.

My friend got into trouble recently, stopping his car in a bus lane during office hours and a picture taken by a traffic police with a camera in front of his car.

Why’s the penalty?

Rule 8 of the Road Traffic (Traffic Signs) Rules – Driving or leaving vehicle in bus lane during restricted hours:

  • Composition fine of $130
  • Up to a maximum Court fine of $1,000 or 3 months of imprisonment (if the offence is not compounded and offender is convicted in Court for the first time)

What is compounding offence?

Under the laws of Singapore, the compounding of an offence (also known as β€œa composition”) refers to the settlement of a charge (without entering a conviction) between the alleged victim and the accused. Usually, the accused makes monetary compensation and offers an apology to the alleged victim. When an offence has been compounded, the accused is effectively acquitted of his crime. –

It simply means you get a fine of $130 if you drive or park in the bus lane during restricted hours and your picture is taken. If you don’t pay then you will be asked to go to court and pay $1000 or jail for 3 months.

There are full day bus lanes and normal bus lanes. Each have different restricted hours.

There are also dashed lanes and solid line lanes. Dashed lanes are little more relaxed.

However I don’t care what type of lane it is and don’t care what time it is.  As long as it is a bus lane. I will stay away from it. That’s just me playing safe.

Drive safe!

Adrian Lee


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