3 Motivational Factors that Make a Video Go Viral

Rabbit (named Mopsy) sharing an apple with his...
Image via Wikipedia

What makes a video go viral?  Why do people share videos?

There are three motivational reasons why people share videos.

Just apply one of these factors and your video will likely be shared.

1. Capture an Emotion

Create an emotion in your video content that captures the viewer’s feelings. People are likely to share your video because it conveys the feeling that they want to express.

2. Associate with Identity

The message in your video needs to associate with the identity of your target audience.   People might not share a video that they cannot identify with in the first place.

3. Include Interesting Information

This is the easiest to create.  Make a video with new and interesting information.  People will most likely share the video if they find the information useful.

Finally, simply ask your viewer to share with friends.

Adrian Lee

PS:  If you like this post, please share with friends.

PPS: Read more about “3 Things Any Video Needs to Go Viral”…

Apply the 3-step system to generate a million views within 30 days with The Viral Video Blueprint.


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