20Nov2015 – Time Travel, Affiliate Sales, Index Page, Supergirl Livewire

  1. Possible Evidence of Time Travel in History
  2. bigamzn Affiliate Sales Success Story – Sold 6 Items
  3. What is the purpose of an index page in a book
  4. Who is Livewire in Supergirl TV Series

Possible Evidence of Time Travel in History

This is more than Particle Colliders and Worm Holes. More than Albert Einstein and Quantum Physics.  It is evidence that time travel is possible. Find out about Hitler’s Bell, Iraqi Stargate and more…


bigamzn Affiliate Sales Success Story – Sold 6 Items

Hooray! Sold six items from my online stores this morning. This time it’s not while I was sleeping, but while I was working on another website.

Screen Shot 2015-11-20 at 1.05.41 pm

What is the purpose of an index page in a book

If you want a general idea of what’s in a chapter, or if you want to skim through to see what’s there. turn to the content page.  If you need to find a specific reference, turn to the index page, find the page and then scan that page for what you want. ~ http://www.bbc.co.uk/skillswise/factsheet/en04dict-l1-f-indexes

That’s what they say about WordPress blog posts.  Categories are like content pages and Tags are like index pages.

Take this blog for example, when I write about technology stuff, I would put it under a general category called Technology. If I am writing about the various Technology Expos going on, I would specifically reference each of them with a tag IT Fair.

Who is Livewire in Supergirl TV Series

Caught up with Supergirl on TV tonight and was introduced to a new character Livewire, a white-haired woman with deadly electric power.  Who is Livewire? Never heard of her. Is she a new character in the DC comics universe? From this episode, we know that she is not an alien, but a human.

Livewire (Leslie Willis) is a fictional supervillain in the DC Comics Universe. She first appeared in 1997 in Superman Adventures Vol 1 #5. Her first appearance in the mainstream comic books was in the publication of Action Comics #835 (March 2006). ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Livewire_(DC_Comics)

Livewire in Supergirl
Livewire in Supergirl

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