19Nov2015 – Ranking 1st Page, HD Security Camera, As Man Thinketh, PAB Rules, Flash Gorilla Grodd, Note 2 Case

  1. Ranking in Google First Page Organic Listing
  2. Indoor High Resolution Wireless Security Camera
  3. As a Man Thinketh by James Allen – Full Audio Book
  4. LTA announced tighter regulations for power-assisted bicycles
  5. Who is Gorilla Grodd in The Flash TV Series
  6. Hard-to-Find Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Case

Ranking in Google First Page Organic Listing

I learnt from Shaun Anderson’s article that most websites get number 1 places in Google listings because they are good.

  • Follow good on-page seo guidelines.
  • Ensure navigation is coherent.
  • Post some killer, original content.

Instead of focusing on number 1 in Google, your focus should be to appear in as many Google properties as possible, to give your business as much opportunity as possible to appear for as many searches as possible that are relevant to your business.


Indoor High Resolution Wireless Security Camera

Yayy! Sold 3 items from my online store while I was sleeping. Two DJI Phantom drone parts and one 2 Gig HD100 Indoor High Resolution Wireless Camera.


As a Man Thinketh by James Allen – Full Audio Book

Today’s lunch time video is 1-hour audio book by James Allen. No need to look, just listen.  You are what you think.


Connecting with other information that I gathered so far. Based on quantum physics, particles exists as energy waves and becomes physical particles when observed or measured.  Hence thoughts emit energy waves from the mind which in turn creates the environment we live in.

LTA announced tighter regulations for power-assisted bicycles

From 1 December 2015, LTA will introduce tighter technical requirements to be aligned with European Standard EN15194 and to have a maximum device weight of 20 kg…  Applications can be made to the LTA-authorised vehicle inspection centres and these PABs will be affixed with an orange seal for use on public roads.


PAB a.k.a. e-bike

Who is Gorilla Grodd in The Flash TV Series

Watched The Flash: Season 2 on TV tonight and was introduced to a new character, Grodd. Who is Grodd? Grodd first appeared in DC comics in 1959. The enemy of The Flash, Grodd’s mind power can place other beings under his mental control. Grodd can also project telekinetic force beams, telekinetically transmute matter, and transfer his consciousness into other bodies.

Gorilla Grodd Lego Toy

Hard-to-Find Samsung Galaxy Note 2 Case

My wife is looking for a wallet case with card holder for her old Samsung Galaxy Note 2. Most physical shops do not sell accessories for Note 2 anymore and they are hard to find.  So I set up a web page to compile any existing Note 2 case suppliers here.

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