How to Get More Youtube Subscribers Fast – 19k Subs Challenge #200908

How to get more YouTube subscribers fast in 2020? Here are 17 methods…

  1. Use “Power Playlists”
  2. Publish LONG Videos (10+ Minutes)
  3. Promote Videos In Your End Screen
  4. Branding Watermark = Subscribe Button
  5. Focus On Quality… Not Quantity
  6. Reply To EVERY Comment
  7. Write a Compelling Channel Description
  8. Funnel People to “Subscriber Magnets”
  9. Use an Awesome Channel Icon
  10. Create a Channel Tagline
  11. Heart Awesome Comments
  12. Make a Killer Channel Trailer
  13. Create Videos That CRUSH Watch Time
  14. Embed YouTube Videos In Blog Posts
  15. End Videos With a Strong CTA
  16. Promote Your Channel In Ebooks, Webinars, Presentations and Lead Magnets
  17. Optimize Your Channel Page
    Bonus #1: “The Social Media Preview”
    Bonus #2: Include a Subscribe Link in Your Channel Art


I should add to the list…

  • Double down on your popular videos
  • Ride on trending topics in your industry

So how many subscribers have we got today?

Youtube 19000 Subscribers up 50 Challenge…

  • This morning. 18208.
  • Evening. 18223. Up 15.

Gumroad 1000 views 1 order Challenge…

  • This morning. 141.
  • Evening. 143. Up 2.

Amzn 300 clicks 10 orders Challenge

  • This morning. 1 order.
  • Evening. 121 clicks. 2 orders.

What can I do better?

Adrian’s Journal


Author: AdrianLee
Adrian Lee is a seasoned content creator based in Singapore, known for his expertise in smartphone videography, video editing, and live streaming. With a passion for sharing knowledge, Adrian runs and, where he offers insights into his personal experiences alongside practical tips for aspiring creators. With a growing community across various platforms, Adrian aims to empower others through creative storytelling and innovative content techniques.

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